User Retention
Our products grow by adopting features needed by customers from various industries.
With a variety of features, even the complicated industry-specific operations can be covered without customization, which leads to the customer satisfaction and their retention.

Product Concept
Your daily communication tools are integrated into the system, achieving the one-stop
operation platform with higher efficiency.

With a conventional system, you have to open multiple applications, such as Spreadsheet, Email, and Operation Manuals while you are conducting a single operation.

Our product, on the other hand, integrated those necessary communication and information tools into the main ERP system for the operation. This helps you establish a simple operation flow for the business.

Do Not Divide Business and Information, Spreadsheet with Integrated Business System
Enterprise Spreadsheet is a spreadsheet that allows you to edit and process the business data output from each business screen while maintaining the usability and convenience of the spreadsheet tool you are familiar with. You can collaborate by inviting related parties to the file, and you can communicate in real time by using the comment function, which reduces the load of file processing work and sharing work.
Social biz-discussion
Communication That Was Separated From Business Completed Within The Business System
Social Biz-Discussion allows you to exchange messages and insert comments from the business screen. By making it possible, emails and verbal that were previously done outside the business system. Communication such as chat has been integrated into the business system. Just support smooth communication without disrupting business. No third parties can easily check the business process, information gathering costs are significantly reduced.

Social Biz-Knowledge
All The Manuals Necessary For Business Are In The System
Social Biz-Knowledge allows you to check the latest knowledge necessary for business execution from the business screen without hesitation. Even end users who are unfamiliar with system usage and business can check the latest manuals on each business screen, so business can be carried out smoothly without the hassle of making inquiries or checking manuals.
Product Series
Financial accounting
Expense management
Asset management
Management accounting
Sales / Procurement / Cost project
Money management
Real estate management
Purchase management
Company HR*
*HR Service has been brought by Works Human Intelligence Co., Ltd.
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